
About Me

Hi! My name is Daniel Hix and I'm The Old Soul. Let me take some time to tell you a little about myself and my hopes for this blog. First, I grew up in a small town in Northeast Georgia. I grew up in a home built in the early 1900's, the home belonged to my great grandparents originally. Growing up here was ordinary and simple. Some would say boring, but I love it. My family all lived within a 15 minute drive from me. I guess you could say that growing up in a small, old town is what kick started my love for vintage things. I was raised on sweet tea, love, and the grace of God. My dream is to work as a writer/blogger for a magazine such as Southern Living, Country Living, or Better Homes and Gardens. Also, my dream in writing this blog is to bring inspiration to people through all things "old". I love a good story. I suppose that is why I have such a fascination with vintage goods, their story. So follow along with me, finding stories and creating them. And thank you so much for visiting my blog! I hope that you find inspiration and good reads in my writings. So happy thrifting, Y'all!

Much love,
The Old Soul

Have any questions? Need any tips, advice, or suggestions? Want to share your story about your old soul? Feel free to contact me!