
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spring Is In The Air!

Ahhh... Here in the great state of Georgia it is a warm 73 degrees. Its is sunny, birds are chirping, and I am one happy boy! This winter has seemed to have lasted a year! In Georgia we have had more snow than I can ever remember and temps have dropped below zero many times. Also, lets add an earthquake to the mix of crazy things you'll experience in Georgia (all in one week might I add). 

So with spring time quickly approaching and with this unusually warm weather it has got me thinking of some great design ideas to brighten your house up for spring! 

With Spring comes color. 

The ability to use whatever bright colors you want should be taken full advantage of. I like to get my color inspiration for Spring from the beautiful flowers that bloom during this wonderful season. 

So whether it is a kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom that you are decorating this Spring make sure and draw your inspiration from something you love to look at everyday. 

Just by adding some simple touches to a room can make the biggest difference in the atmosphere of the room. You don't have to spend boat loads of money in a decorating project. To create a simple, yet stunning center piece for you kitchen table hit up The Home Depot or Lowes and buy a bag of spring time bulbs. Plant them in cute containers that you picked up from the thrift store and BAM! Cheap and easy center piece.

Whatever you do in your home this Spring, make sure that it is something you absolutely love. When you wake up everyday you should be excited to look around your home. So this Spring make your house a home. Love where you live.

The Old Soul

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