
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pottery, Chalkboards, and Spoon Rest. Oh My!

So today I spent the day with my grandmother. The things the two of us get into... :) While out and about we stopped by my favorite thrift store, Haven of Rest. I woke up this morning with a mission, to see what all I could buy with a $15 budget. So off we went to the thrift store.

Once we got to the thrift store my eyes immediately went to the "glass and pottery section". I usually luck up and find a few odds and ends. As I walked over I noticed a very cute vase. I could tell by the color, texture, and shape exactly what it was, Floraline pottery. It was $1, how could i pass that up?! A little back history on Floraline. They started in June 9, 1960. Nelson McCoy(founder of McCoy Pottery) wanted to create a line of inexpensive pottery that could be directly sold to florist. Little did he know that those "cheap" pottery pieces would one day be somewhat valuable and would make a total statement piece in someone's home. Here is the piece I found today: 

And here it is in full decor effect: 

I also have a few other Floraline pieces that I've found over the years:

Any Floraline you come across will be marked on the bottom with their stamp shown here:

So as I wondered aimlessly through the thrift store, peeking inside of different isles and shelves I spotted what in my opinion was the FIND of the day! And that would be this small vintage chalkboard:

I couldn't wait to get home to clean this bad baby up! And so I did. As I was looking at it wondering what I'd like to do to it, if anything. And then I suddenly remember, "Martha freakin' Stewart stencils!" So I pulled those stencils out and paint and went to town giving this little cutie just the facelift it needed! Normally when choosing paint colors for projects like this, I generally play it safe. Teal, yellow, etc. but today I wanted bold. Something that could stand out of this dark and dull chalkboard. Orange. Orange is the new black, right? So I laid my stencils out and painted away. This was the final product: 

I thought it turned out fabulously! And not to mention it looks totes adorbs on my desk. This chalkboard was $.50. May God strike you were you stand if you would pass by this in a thrift store! It's basically thrifting blasphemy. I want to know what you would have done with this chalkboard had you came across it! So make sure and leave a comment below or if it doesn't let you leave a comment(an issue that has been brought to my attention, my "tech team" aka boyfriend will have to help me figure this out!) then please email me! Just because the comments are on the fritz doesn't mean I don't want to hear your feedback! :) 

Okay, onto my last little find. It was $.75, and when I saw it I thought immediately to myself, "bff needs this! It can be a surprise present!" Well, I can't keep a surprise from someone to save my life. So naturally I bought it and sent a picture to my best friend saying, "I got you a surprise!!!" Followed by the picture... Sigh. Her response was, "you can never keep a surprise!!" So yeah, there you have it. I am unable to surprise anyone. Anyways! Back to the actual surprise itself! My best friend is from Sylvania, Ohio. She has lived in Atlanta, Ga almost as long as she lived in OH(which in my opinion makes you a southerner, though she'll never admit to it and she still to this day refuses to say the word, "y'all"). So anytime I am out thrifting I always keep an eye out for anything to buy my bff. So here is here surprise: 

Cute little vintage Ohio spoon rest! Totally cheesy and was probably bought at some rest stop in Ohio, but I knew right then and there that she would love it! And she did! :)

So that's my little adventure of the day, folks! As always, I hope you found some inspiration through my words and advice. Please leave comments below on what you thought of today's blog and maybe throw in some suggestions as to what you would like to see in this blog! I love/need feedback. Good and bad! And like I said earlier, if you can't leave a comment just hop over to my "About Me" page and click the link at the bottom of my bio and that will direct you to send me an email! I look forward to hearing from you. 

Happy Thrifting and Much Love,
The Old Soul


  1. Love the stuff you found...especially my spoon rest!! ❤️

  2. Anything for my best friend! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thanks! :) We will find great things this weekend!! Get your camera ready!!
