
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

We Are "Vintage"!

I've had quite a few things on my mind today, being stuck in a house during a winter storm will do that to you. I write my blog entries on vintage materials things, but aren't we somewhat "vintage"? Maybe not in the sense of being old or out of date, but in a sense of being worn down, weathered, and maybe a little cracked. 

In life you have ups and downs, there's no surprise there. But what you do is what defines you. How you overcome adversity and ridicule is what builds your character. Like an old weather, worn, and cracked piece of vintage pottery. Though this piece of vintage brilliance is blemished and been through hell and back, it still holds it's beauty and stands tall in a world of shiny new things. It is our choice whether or not we get thrown into a "junk" pile or showcased on a shelf. Whenever people or things in life wear you down, show them how strong you truly are by getting right back up! 

I have said many times that I love vintage things because of the stories they hold. Well, we all have stories. Good ones and bad ones. Good stories bring us happiness and joy and fulfillment. Bad ones can bring us pain, sorrow, and regret. Break free of those regrets. Break free from the pain and sorrow. You are not your past. You may have a few dents and cracks in your heart, just like that old piece of vintage pottery, but you are still beautiful. Think of your cracks, dents, and blemishes not as wounds, but as battle scars! They show that you have stood the test of time and you don't plan on backing down or giving up anytime soon. Be proud of who you are and what you are. Because what you are and who you are is perfection in the eyes of the only One who matters. 

So be proudly "vintage". Do not let this world or the people in it throw you into the "junk" pile, push yourself to the front of that shelf. Own your battle scars and let them be a warning to the ones who may attempt to attack who you are. You may have blemishes, cracks, and dents but you can always shine. 

Thank you all so much for you continued support in my blog. Each and everyone of you have had a hand in making a dream of mine come true. I pray that God will bless you all. 

The Old Soul