
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kim In The Kitchen: Interview!

Hi Y'all! I had the pleasure of sitting down with Kim Teasley, owner and operator of Kim in the Kitchen! She talked to me about all the services and tasty products she offers!

Kim has been cooking her whole life, but really took a true interest in it around the age of 15. As any Southerner has, Kim grew up in the kitchen and learning all the tricks of the trade from past generations. Kim had a restaurant in our small town of Hartwell, GA. The restaurant closed due to economic struggles. Kim took this opportunity to pursue her true passion in life, cooking on a more personal level. Around 2008 Kim started a small catering company, Kim in the Kitchen. As it is with any small town business, start up can be a daunting task. But Kim held true to her passion and is still cooking her heart out!

In our interview Kim discussed with me the importance of adding that personal touch to her cooking. Family is number one for Kim, so it was only natural that she would want to help families make their lives easier. Kim offers a wide variety of products and services. These include: catering, meals-to-go, canning, jarring, candies, and more! During the interview Kim told me about one specific product that I am particularly dying to try, Apricot and Habanero Pepper Jelly! One thing you need to know about the south is that we LOVE pepper jelly! Lay out a block of cream cheese (room temp), then pour the pepper jelly over the top, and eat with crackers!

Kim in the Kitchen is featuring their Sea Salt Dusted Caramels($5 per bag). I had the wonderful opportunity to try these decadent delights and I can tell you first hand that these candies are no run of the mill candy. They are top notch. Fine ingredients are used in making these along with skilled cooking ability. These are made fresh to order! They were the perfect mixture of salty and sweet. The caramel was creamy and cooked to a gooey perfection.

Kim in the Kitchen will ship to you! So don't worry if you aren't local, you can still have a chance to get your hands on her product! They offer a flat rate shipping and remember when ordering to allow enough time before you actually need them. Kim in the Kitchen makes everything fresh to order, so make sure and allow them the time to perform their magic! You won't be disappointed!

For more information on the variety of products offered at Kim in the Kitchen visit their Facebook page ( or email them at

So why not surprise your sweet heart with some home made caramels? Don't wait until last minute to get your orders in!

Thanks for "tuning" in today! Leave a comment below or email me with your thoughts on my first interview blog entry!

The Old Soul

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