
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Old Fashioned Southern Divinity Candy!

Hi Y'all! Day two rolls in of being "snowed" in.. Cabin fever has set in and so has my sweet tooth! Funny how when you get "stuck" at home you get so hungry(or maybe that's just me..). As we braved the roads today around noon, we were talking with my great friend Cheryl about how we were all craving Divinity candy! The longer I thought about it, the more I craved it. I pulled out old recipes from my grandmother and great grandmother and found my Memaws recipe. So I made it! And today I am going to share this old family recipe with you all!

First you'll need to gather all of your tools and ingredients. I find it is so much easier when you have everything sitting on the counter, that way you don't catch yourself running around after you've already started cooking. Here's what you'll need:

1. 2 quart sauce pan
2. Candy thermometer
3. Preferably a stand mixer(I used my KitchenAid mixer aka lifesaver).
4. You will need the whisk and paddle attachments for this.
5. Wax paper(I covered baking sheets with the wax paper for easier moving)

Secondly, I will go over what ingredients are needed for this. These are:

1. 2 and 2/3 cups of granulated sugar
2. 2/3 cup of light Karo Syrup
3. 1/2 water
4. 2 egg whites from X-Large Eggs or Jumbo Eggs
5. 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
6. Chopped pecans (optional)

First thing you'll need to do is get the water, Karo Syrup, and sugar into the sauce pan. Turn on to low heat or low flame. Stirring constantly until sugar has completely dissolved. Once the sugar has dissolved stop stirring. Keep the candy thermometer in the liquid, but NOT touching the bottom of the pan(this will give you false temps). While you are waiting for the candy to get to 260 degrees, go ahead and separate your egg whites into the bowl of your stand mixer. Right before your candy reaches 260 using the whisk attachment on the stand mixer, beat the egg whites until they have reached a stiff peak. Once you have done this you will need to change out the attachment to the paddle attachment. When the candy has reached 260 pour in a thin steady stream with the mixer on medium speed. Add vanilla extract. Continue to beat this until it holds its form and becomes dull. Once you have mixed this to the appropriate consistency use a buttered spoon to dollops of the divinity candy onto your wax paper. I topped mine with chopped pecans! But that is totally optional. Let sit for the longest 12 hours of your life at room temperature. Then, enjoy this old fashioned, mouth watering, nostalgia inducing, and decadent candy.

This recipe is idiot proof basically. If I could make them, anyone can! So go create some delicious treats!

Happy Thrifting and Cooking, Y'all! 

The Old Soul


  1. I can't do it. I've tried twice and I just can't do it. One of my favorite candies that my Mom always made at Christmas. I sure do miss her as well as her divinity! I'll keep trying but so far I feel like a failure!

  2. Monnie, this was literally my first time ever making divinity and it worked perfectly! Let me know if it works for you!

  3. Tasja: omg how can it look so adorable xD . Thanks for posting!
